Risk Insights Scenario Explorer

Proactive Risk Management with Monte Carlo Simulation

The Risk Insights Monte Carlo Simulation approach offers a robust and comprehensive method for estimating and evaluating uncertainty. Designed to simplify the process, it moves beyond traditional tools like High-Medium-Low ratings, providing a dynamic platform that elicits deeper insights from those providing the estimates.

At the heart of this innovation is Explorer, a groundbreaking tool that stands out from other risk software. Explorer integrates uncertainty management science, advanced algorithms, powerful analytics, and scenario-based assessments to give organizations an unparalleled view of their risk landscape.

What makes Explorer particularly valuable is its ability to quickly identify and structure uncertainties, making it ideal for:

  • Pinpointing where to focus further analysis.
  • Serving as a precursor to Monte Carlo simulations and deeper-dive analysis.

Monte Carlo Simulations as an Operational Risk Management Tool

As regulatory environments become more complex and the reliance on third-party service providers increases, financial service providers need robust models that can accurately forecast potential risk exposures.

The use of Monte Carlo simulations allows organisations to stress-test their systems under various scenarios, helping to identify weak points and prepare mitigation strategies. What would happen if downtime occurred during peak transaction times? How might the impact differ based on the season or the time of day? These are questions that simulations can answer, providing insights that traditional risk management approaches might miss.

Moreover, the rising prominence of operational risk simulations in industries beyond finance—such as manufacturingand healthcare—shows that this approach is highly adaptable. In these sectors, simulations are helping organisations model supply chain disruptions, patient outcomes, and even climate-related risks.

Connecting the dots

In addition to Explorer, our Risk Interconnection Map offers a unique and powerful way to visualize risk information. While traditional Probability Impact matrices focus only on severity and likelihood, the Risk Interconnection Map reveals four key dimensions:

  1. Risk Likelihood – capturing both pessimistic and optimistic scenarios.
  2. Risk Severity – showing outcomes ranging from worst-case to best-case.
  3. Risk Interconnection – identifying how various risks are linked.
  4. Strength of Interconnection – highlighting your most influential and influenced risks.

By leveraging Monte Carlo simulation and the powerful analytics of Explorer, this approach transforms how businesses understand and manage risk. Whether you’re in the early stages of risk identification or preparing for complex simulation-based analysis, these tools equip you to visualize, evaluate, and mitigate risks in a more informed and strategic way.